Under the Sripur Girls' Cricket Program, the ladies' cricket group of Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur was shaped toward the finish of the long and one-month cricket competition. After the last of the cricket competition held in Shishu Palli Plaas Playground, on Monday, the function was named as' Bhawalika Women's Cricket Team. These groups will presently take an interest in various cricket coordinates in the territorial and national dimension matches. 

Six ladies' cricket groups were framed in various schools of Telihatati Union under the activity of Kishor Palli Plus. After the challenge for the last one and a half months, through the cricket competition. Playing in the last on Monday, Kabi Nazrul Ideal School and College and Tapebari Ansar High School partook. Afterward, in the last match Tapepibari Ansar High School turned into the victor. Toward the finish of the competition, the names of the 'Bhawalika Women Cricket Team' were declared. Milon Rab, Child Polly Plus Officer, was available amid the program and editorial. 

Shrimpur Upazila Primary Education Officer Kamrul Hasan went to the honor service. Telihati UP Chairman Abdul Baten Sarkar Guests right now gave prizes among the victors and prevails. Participants of the ladies' cricket group were available on the stage, Patricea A Vivian, business visionary of Shishu Palli Plus, a visionary and all around supported mother and youngster restoration focus. He approached everybody to be prepared for the eventual fate of Bangladesh. They asked their support in increasingly more challenge.