Pakistan Cricket commander Sarfaraz Ahmed said his group is prepared to confront the consistently developing India at any dimension in the universal field and it won't be any special case to the up and coming ICC World Cup. Sarfaraz said this when he achieved Dubai from Dubai with the World Cup trophy. Sarfaraz told the media while showing the trophy in a neighborhood inn, Pakistan never lingers behind to confront India at the cricket ground. 

He stated, "We are constantly prepared to play against India, regardless of whether it is a two-sided arrangement or a World Cup. Be that as it may, they may consider something different. Yet, since it can make another discussion, I can not say much regarding it. " 

Pakistan will play matches against India in Old Trafford on June 16. Gotten some information about the weak center request of the group, Sarfaraz said he was happy with the batting line-up. "Babar Azam will lead the batting request of the center request in the center request. Haris Sohail, Hafeez and Shoaib Malik will bolster him. I'll be there as an aide. ' He said every one of the gatherings who are taking an interest in the World Cup are fit and every one of the groups must pay attention to it. 

Sarfaraz stated, 'All gatherings are able and equipped for overcoming anyone.'