Bollywood on-screen character Deepika Padukone need discharge from the gossip Paparazzi watches out for consistently on Deepika and her better half, Ranbir Singh. This is occurring from Sanjay Leela Bansali's 'Goliyon Ki Rasilila Ramlila' motion picture. From that point forward Deepa-Bir has been viewed as the best couple in Bollywood. A year ago the fans achieved the pinnacle of fervor with this pair. At that point they remarried the wedding in Italy's Lake Como. In the wake of coming back from Italy to Mumbai and Bangalore, the gathering and the post gathering were occupied with the entire of Bollywood. 

Presently fans are hanging tight for their new news. Wherever you are watching this pair or getting one of them, ask the new visitor. 

As of late, Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Singh won 'Lovely Couple of the Year Award' for the 'Femina Beauty Awards 2015'. At that point, seeing Deepika from Black Gown, she is by all accounts a mother. At that point, in a meeting given to the media, Deepika discussed this. This "most needed" star of Bollywood stated, "It isn't right to overpower a lady when she is a mother." He stated, 'When mother is at the time, she will end up being a mother. However, individuals need to change their mindset. Ceaselessly stop this inquiry. ' 

Priyanka Chopra, another Bollywood star, needed to confront the inquiry in Mumbai prior. Fans-adherents and the media continued observing a few photos of a design appear. Priyanka has taken photos of those photos, she thought, Priyanka was pregnant. In any case, Priyanka's mom stated, everybody is misjudged, and the awful point of the camera in charge of this mix-up. 

For the present, Deepika has endeavored to stop these unmerited gossipy tidbits by playing a part in the media and need to remain in a little harmony.